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Welcome to Nursery

Nursery is a vibrant, fun and exciting place for our "Busy Bees". Our philosophy is that children are successful in a learning environment that allows them to be in control of their own learning, have meaningful interaction, one that values diversity, and encourages play. We believe that children will thrive in an environment that promotes the ability to direct their own learning guided by their interests. We value meaningful relationships with adults and other children to build a strong community within the environment. We believe hands on learning will help a child to achieve independence and develop skills. We understand that a quality learning environment should reflect safety, respect and responsibility and is supportive of each child's individual development.

Please find additional details about this academic year below.

If you would like any further information about Nursery at St. John’s, please do not hesitate to arrange a visit. We would be delighted to share our learning with you and always enjoy welcoming new friends.

Miss Weatherburn & Mrs Stott

Key things to remember

Monday: Book bag

Tuesday: Book bag. Library books changed.

Wednesday: Book bag

Thursday: Book bag

Friday: Library. Celebration worship-Green Jumper and Star certificate


Tiny Happy People is here to help you develop your child's language skills. Please see the link for more information https://www.bbc.co.uk/tiny-happy-people