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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

In Year 2 we are becoming more independent learners who can listen carefully and apply skills to all of our work. Our mornings are very busy and consist or Phonics, English, Maths and Guided Reading. In the afternoons we will work on Handwriting, Theme (Including Geography, History, Art & DT), PE, RE, PHSE and Science. We will work independently, with partners and in groups as well as sharing some of our ideas with the whole class. This will ensure that we have all of the skills needed for our journey through St John's School.

Please find additional details about this academic year below.

If you would like any further information about Year 2 at St. John’s, please do not hesitate to arrange a visit. We would be delighted to share our learning with you and always enjoy welcoming new friends.

Mr Thomas and Miss Semeniuk

Key things to remember ​​​​

Monday: PE

Tuesday: Reading Books


Thursday: PE/ Reading Books
