Ofsted May 2022
"Pupils are happy to attend St John's Church of England Primary School. They said that they enjoy spending time with their friends"
"Leaders have created an interesting and ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including children in the early years."
St John's is a GOOD school in all areas.
Headteacher Welcome
Welcome and thank you for visiting the website of St. John’s C.E. Primary School, part of the Sycamore Church of England Multi-Academy Trust. We are extremely proud of all that goes on in our school. As you will see from our website our children are supported in their learning by dedicated staff, governors and parents. We believe that the care and guidance offered by St John's will allow every child to flourish.
St John's is a one-form entry primary school with an integrated Nursery, situated in the heart of the community which it serves. Our school has a strong sense of family. Our creative and engaging curriculum ensures children enjoy coming to school. All staff build warm and positive relationships with every child, so that children come into school feeling known and valued. We are a Church school and those values are at our core but we welcome and serve children and families of all faiths and none.
Our school vision is inspired by a verse in the Bible: "They will soar on wings like eagles" from Isaiah and is all about children fulfilling their potential so that they in turn can positively impact their community and wider society. We have high expectations for what every child in our school can achieve and want to help them to live exciting and fulfilling lives. Academic excellence is at the heart of this vision and the staff are committed to raising standards and aspirations so that all our children are challenged and inspired to learn.
Our Christian values of love, courage and perseverance are central to school life and are at the heart of how adults and children interact at school. St John's has a calm and purposeful environment where mutual respect is modelled by all. Our rules are very simple and guided by kindness and wanting to get the most out of every minute at school: "Be Ready, Be Respectful and Be Safe".
I am delighted to be Headteacher, supported by a team of skilled and dedicated teachers and support staff, and proud of the strong child-centred values we uphold and of the high expectations we have for our children both academically and socially. We are deeply committed to working in partnership with our children, their families and the community and value strong links between home and school, based on mutual respect and positive relationships.
I hope you enjoy exploring our website and for more information please look at our prospectus or contact Miss Hickey in our main school office. If you would be interested in a school place for your child, do come for a visit and we will happily give you a tour, as a website can only give a flavour of school life.
Isaiah 40:31
Congratulations to this week's stars and green jumper winners!
YN - Reuben (star) and Aisha (green jumper)
YR - Alfie (star) and Arlo (green jumper)
Y1 - Kai (star) and Sofia (green jumper)
Y2 - Emily (star) and Archie (green jumper)
Y3 - Chloe (star) and John (green jumper)
Y4 - Ariane (star) and Rayyaan (green jumper)
Y5 - Layla S (star) and Annalise (green jumper)
Y6 - Pheobe (star) and Cacee-Ann (green jumper)
Staff green jumper - Mrs Grady
Attendance Winners Y1 - 98.54%
Break up for Half Term
Friday 14th Feb 2025
School back open
Monday 24th Feb 2025
Break up for Easter
Friday 4th Apr 2025
School back open
Tuesday 22nd Apr 2025