St John's Church of England Primary School
Johnson Street
M26 1AW
Please contact the main office for any information regarding our school.
Main Office: Miss K Hickey or Miss L Callaghan
Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs E Cook
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs D Ellithorn
SENDCO: Mrs C Hanson
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs E Cope
Chair of LAC: Mrs M Boyle
Mrs Boyle can be contacted via the school address or the school email address.
Phone: 0161 723 1078
Twitter: @StJohnRadcliffe
Sycamore Church of England Multi-Academy Trust Registered Office: Church Street, Bury, BL9 3AX
Contact Head Office: 0161 723 1078 (3)
Requests for paper copies can be made via the school office; these will be offered free of charge (details as above).