You can order school uniform online through School Trends.
Also you can purchase school uniform at PT's School Wear in Radcliffe.
PT's School Wear Ltd
7 New Road
M26 1LS
0161 723 0991
If you require any help please speak to the school office.
Our uniform is:
Grey/Black trousers, skirt, shorts or pinafore dress
White polo shirt - This does not need a logo but you can wear a logoed polo shirt if you wish
Red sweatshirt or cardigan - This does not need a logo but you can wear a logoed one if you wish
Plain black shoes- Velcro or buckle fastenings, unless pupil can tie their own laces.
Long hair should be tied back and no extreme (ie tramlines) haircuts
Earrings should be studs and children must be able to take them out for PE
No other jewellery (apart from a watch if people wish to wear one)
No fake nails, nail varnish or makeup
No large bows or headbands with extra parts eg cat ears or unicorn horns
If your child wears a head covering for faith reasons this should be black, white or red
Our Summer uniform is:
Red and white checked summer dress
Grey/black shorts
White polo shirt
Plain black shoes- Velcro or buckle fastenings, unless pupil can tie their own laces.
Our PE uniform is:
Please could you ensure that your child has the correct PE kit in school. Our PE kit is:
White t-shirt
Black shorts or leggings
Black pumps or trainers
Children with long hair must have it tied back
Children who wear earrings must either not wear them on PE days or be able to remove them themselves
Second hand uniform will be available to aquire at our Christmas and summer fairs.
Cost consideration
We have ensured that our policy does not discourage parents from applying for a place for their child at St John's CE Primary School. We have adopted DfE guidance that states, "No school uniform should be so expensive as to leave pupils or their families feeling unable to apply to, or attend, a school of their choice, due to the cost of the uniform."
In determining our uniform supplier, we have given high priority to cost considerations. We can demonstrate how best value has been achieved and we will keep the cost of supplying the uniform under annual review.
We always endeavour to make sure that the school uniform is easily available for parents to purchase. We are keeping compulsory branded items to a minimum and we always avoid specifying expensive items of uniform eg expensive outdoor coats.