Classes enter and exit the building through specifically allocated doors and are welcomed in by staff.
The school day is 6 hours and 35 minutes long which is 32 hrs 55 mins perweek.
The School Day | Time |
Doors Open | 8.45am |
Register Taken | 8.55am |
Worship (Nursery & Reception join this twice a week) | 9.05am |
Y1-Y6 Morning Break | 10.45am |
Reception & Nursery Lunch | 11.45am (Nursery morning only session ends at 11.45pm) |
KS1 Lunch | 12.00pm-1pm |
KS2 Lunch | 12.10pm-1pm |
Nursery Afternoon Session | 12.30pm |
Y1-Y6 Afternoon Break | 2pm |
School Day Ends | 3.30pm |
Please find below information on school meals, including menus.
To pay for school meals via School grid please go to
The price of a school meal is £2.50 per day, £12.50 per week, this must be payed weekly.
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a Universal Free School meal as of September 2014.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact Miss Hickey or Miss Callaghan in the main school office.
Parents do not have to pay for school lunches if they receive any of the following:
If you think you are eligible and want to claim for free meals please contact or telephone on 0161 253 5858 or email at
Children are provided with a water bottle which is kept in school. This is filled up every morning by the teachers and kept in class for children to drink whenever they want. Children can not bring their own water bottles with juice or flavoured water. Juice can be put in a child's packed lunch but no fizzy drinks or cans. This juice is to be drank at lunch time only.